Share the gift
Rachel genuinely believes it is a gift to share the gift of dance with
aspiring dancers, to help them cultivate a love and appreciation for the
art form, and assist in developing a skill set that enables them to turn their passion for dance into whatever fits their goals and feeds their soul.
Rachel travels around the country teaching master classes for dance conventions, studio intensives, regional theaters, universities, charter schools, and setting competition choreography at studios and university dance companies.
Choreography Resumé:
Teaching Resumé:
convention teaching
& adjudicating
Rachel has been a Master Teacher and Adjudicator for TURN IT UP DANCE CHALLENGE Conventions and Competitions across the country, teaching classes in Tap and Broadway styles, alongside some amazing faculty members, where she enjoyed teaching so many talented and eager young dancers!

Rachel is a judge for IMPACT Dance Adjudicators! Check out the website for information on this awesome
service for dance competitions to find qualified, pre-screened, professional adjudicators for their competitions!

theatre dance master classes
Often when Rachel is performing at regional theaters throughout the country, she will happily teach master classes for the theatre's youth companies or schools, such as:
Tuacahn Center for the Arts- Ivans, UT
Mill Mountain Theatre Conservatory- VA
Palace Theatre Youth Company- NH
Arkansas Rep Theatre Conservatory- AR
Franklin Academy Charter School- NC
Brooks Charter School- MA
Clark University- MA

Pictured here:
Rachel taught a theater dance master class for Herriman High School Dance Company at Tuacahn Center for the Arts in Ivans, UT. What a fun group!
Rachel thoroughly enjoyed teaching and choreographing for Arkansas Rep Theatre's Education Department's
Music Theatre Camps this summer for 3rd-5th graders and 6th-8th graders!

Rachel has been teaching drop-in classes at Underground Movement in Orlando and is really enjoying sharing her passion for dance with this lovely community.